# Bundle and Component Descriptors

# Overview

The Entando Component Manager reads the descriptor.yaml file from the root of the bundle package and uses it to install any components and resources included in the bundle. Here is the basic bundle structure:

├ descriptor.yaml
├ resources/
│ └ ...
└ ... (folders reported in descriptor.yaml file)

# Bundle Conventions

  1. The bundle descriptor file needs to be named descriptor.yaml or the bundle will not be recognized.

  2. Static resources should be placed in a resources folder. They are not explicitly referenced in the descriptor.yaml file itself.

# Bundle Descriptor

The bundle descriptor file aggregates all included components and has the following structure:


Remember the file needs to be named descriptor.yaml.


code: survey_bundle # The bundle ID
description: This is the survey bundle # The description of the bundle

components: # All components will be here

  # Optional. Use if the component requires a deployment
    - folder/you/want/my_plugin_descriptor.yaml
    - folder/you/want/another_plugin_descriptor.yaml

  # To create widgets you will need to add references to the descriptor file's
    - widgets/my_widget_descriptor.yaml
    - widgets/another_widget_descriptor.yaml

  # To create fragments, you will need to add references to the descriptor file's
    - fragments/my_fragment.yaml

  # To create Page Templates you will need to add references to the descriptor file's
    - pageModels/my_page_model_descriptor.yaml
    - pageModels/another_page_model_descriptor.yaml

  # To create and publish pages you will need to add references to the descriptor file's
    - page/my_page_descriptor.yaml
    - page/another_page_descriptor.yaml

  # To create a CMS Asset you will need to add a reference to the descriptor file and put on the same location the image or file you want to upload.
    - assets/my-asset/my_asset_descriptor.yaml
    - assets/my-asset/my_image.jpg

  # To create Content Types you will need to add references to the descriptor file's
    - contentTypes/my_content_type_descriptor.yaml

  # To create Content Templates you will need to add references to the descriptor file's
    - contentModels/my_content_model_descriptor.yaml
    - contentModels/another_content_model_descriptor.yaml

  # To create and publish Contents you will need to add references to the descriptor file's
    - contents/my_content_descriptor.yaml
    - contents/another_content_descriptor.yaml
  # To create categories you will need to add references to the descriptor file's
    - categories/my_categories.yaml
  # To create groups you will need to add references to the descriptor file's
    - groups/my_groups.yaml
  # To create labels you will need to add references to the descriptor file's
    - labels/my_labels.yaml
  # To enable labels you will need to add references to the descriptor file's
    - languages/languages.yaml

# Plugin

Here is an example of a plugin descriptor:

Plugin descriptor.yaml

image: "entando/my-image:1.0.0" # The docker image used to create the plugin
deploymentBaseName: "myplugin" # The base name to assign to the pods that have to be created in Kubernetes
dbms: "postgresql" # The DBMS the plugin will use
roles: # The roles the plugin will expose in keycloak
  - "task-list"
  - "task-get"
  - "connection-list"
  - "connection-get"
  - "connection-create"
  - "connection-delete"
  - "connection-edit"
healthCheckPath: "/actuator/health" # The health check path that kubernetes will use to check status of the plugin deployment
ingressPath: "/myhostname.io/entando-plugin" # the ingress path to assign to the plugin deployment
permissions: # a list of keycloak clientId / role to bind each to the other
  - clientId: realm-management
    role: manage-users
  - clientId: realm-management
    role: view-users

# Kubernetes pod names

Each plugin is deployed onto Kubernetes using composite names. The first part is created reading the descriptor file, the second one is appended autonomously by Kubernetes. This second part is 31 char long and each Kubernetes pod name length must be at most 63: longer name will result in the fail of the deployment.


Initially, the first part of the pod name was generated concatenating and manipulating the image field value, however sometimes this approach could lead to a pod name longer than 63. To solve this problem, another (optional) property is available: deploymentBaseName.

It accepts a string not longer than 32 and, if present, its value will be used as the first part for the pod's names, instead of the image one.

In the previous example of the descriptor a possible resulting pod name will be this one in case the deploymentBaseName property is not present:


and this one if the deploymentBaseName property is present:


Please note that if you are using the deploymentBaseName property and you want to install more versions of the same plugin at the same time, you need to specify different values for deploymentBaseName, maybe including the plugin version.

# Permissions

The permissions property specifies a list of coupled clientId and roles that will be bound in Keycloak.

To find them you can open the Keycloak console and then navigate to clientsawesomeplugin-serverService Account Roles.

Currently using a non-existing clientId or role will be ignored and the plugin deployment will succeed without errors.


The more verbose CRD plugin descriptor format is deprecated as of Entando 6.3 but is documented here.

# Widget

Here is an example of a widget descriptor:

Widget descriptor.yaml.

code: another_todomvc_widget # The Widget identification

titles: # Widget's Titles
  en: TODO MVC Widget # Title in English
  it: TODO MVC Widget # Title in Italian

group: free # The owner group of the widget

# Optional. The UI Path, the widget.ftl file will have the customUi content
customUiPath: widget.ftl

# Optional. The Custom UI
customUi: >-
    <h1>My custom widget UI</h1>

# Optional. ConfigUI
  customElement: todomvc-config # The name of the custom-element used to render the configUI
    - <bundleid>/static/js/main.js # The resources necessary to the custom element to render the configUI, like the code

# Fragment

Fragment descriptor.yaml.

code: my_fragment # The unique id

# Optional. The fragment content
guiCode: >-
  "<div>Here the content</div>"

# Optional. A path to a FreeMarker file containing the fragment content.
guiCodePath: fragment.ftl

# Page Template

Page Template descriptor.yaml.

code: todomvc_page_template # The Page Template identification
description: TODO MVC basic page template # The Page Template description

titles: # Page Template's Titles
  en: TODO MVC PageTemplate # Title in English
  it: TODO MVC PageTemplate # Title in Italian

# The Page Template configuration
  frames: # All frames
    - pos: 0 # Frame position
      description: Header # Frame description
      sketch: # Frame sketch configuration
        x1: 0
        y1: 0
        x2: 11
        y2: 1
        code: my-widget # the code of the widget to apply when using the button "apply default widgets" in the page configuration UI

    # A simplified way to define a Frame
    - pos: 1
      description: Breadcrumb
      sketch: { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 11, y2: 1 }

# Optional. Define the Page Template in a separate file or inside the descriptor file with `template`
templatePath: page.ftl

# Optional. Define the Page Template this way or in a separate file with `templatePath`
template: >-
  <#assign wp=JspTaglibs[\"/aps-core\"]>
  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\">
          <title><@wp.currentPage param=\"title\" /></title>
          <h1><@wp.currentPage param=\"title\" /></h1>
          <a href=\"<@wp.url page=\"homepage\"/>\">Home</a><br>
              <h1>Bundle 1 Page Template</h1>
              <@wp.show frame=0 />

# Page

This descriptor enables a page to be created and published via a bundle. Status can be published or draft. The widgets section can be used to fully configure a page layout.

Page descriptor.yaml.

code: dashboard
parentCode: homepage
  en: My dashboard
  it: La mia Dashboard
pageModel: dashboard
ownerGroup: free
joinGroups: []
displayedInMenu: true
seo: false
charset: utf-8

# ECR will publish the page according to this property
status: published|draft

# Page Configuration
  - code: Brand-Logo
    config: null
    pos: 0
  - code: Login_buttons
    config: null
    pos: 2
  - code: seeds_card
      cardname: creditcard
    pos: 6
  - code: list_item
      icon: managealerts
      count: '0'
      title: Alerts
    pos: 7
  - code: list_item
      icon: viewstatements
      count: '0'
      title: View Statements
    pos: 11
  - code: seedscard-transaction-table
    config: null
    pos: 13

# CMS Asset

This descriptor contains the metadata required for uploading and updating a CMS Asset.

Asset descriptor.yaml.

correlationCode: 'my-reference-code'
type: image
# This file should be placed on same folder as the descriptor.yaml
name: 113f4437cac3b3f3d4db7229f12287a4_d3.png
description: 113f4437cac3b3f3d4db7229f12287a4_d3.png
group: free
categories: []

# Content Template

Content-template descriptor.yaml.

id: 8880003
contentType: CNG
description: Demo Content Template

# Optional. Define the Content Template Shape in a separate file or inside descriptor file with `contentShape`

# Optional. Define the Content Template Shape this way or in a separate file with `contentShapePath`
contentShape: >-
    <h2>Demo content template</h2>
    #if ( $content.MainBody.text != "" )

  - code: Brand-Logo
    config: null
    pos: 0
  - code: Login_buttons
    config: null
    pos: 2
  - code: seeds_card
      cardname: creditcard
    pos: 6
  - code: list_item
      icon: managealerts
      count: '0'
      title: Alerts
    pos: 7
  - code: list_item
      icon: viewstatements
      count: '0'
      title: View Statements
    pos: 11
  - code: seedscard-transaction-table
    config: null
    pos: 13

# Content Type

For more details on the Content Type properties, refer to the Content Type documentation.

Content-type descriptor.yaml.

code: CNG
name: Demo
status: 0

  - code: title
    type: Text
    name: Title
      - code: jacms:title
        descr: The main title of a Content
    disablingCodes: []
    mandatory: true
    listFilter: false
    indexable: false

    enumeratorStaticItems: string
    enumeratorStaticItemsSeparator: string
    enumeratorExtractorBean: string

      minLength: 0
      maxLength: 100
      regex: string
      rangeStartString: string
      rangeEndString: string
      rangeStartStringAttribute: string
      rangeEndStringAttribute: string
      equalString: string
      equalStringAttribute: string
      rangeStartDate: string
      rangeEndDate: string
      rangeStartDateAttribute: string
      rangeEndDateAttribute: string
      equalDate: string
      equalDateAttribute: string
      rangeStartNumber: 0
      rangeStartNumberAttribute: string
      rangeEndNumber: 0
      rangeEndNumberAttribute: string
      equalNumber: 0
        applyOnlyToFilledAttr: false
        errorMessage: Something
        keyForErrorMessage: some
        keyForHelpMessage: thing
        ognlExpression: string

# Content

This descriptor enables a content to be created and optionally published via a bundle, according to the status property. The content id is optional and can be auto generated or explicitly declared for linking from other components, like Content Widget.

Content descriptor.yaml.

id: NWS650
typeCode: NWS
description: Dealing with a financial emergency
mainGroup: free
status: PUBLIC
  - code: date
    value: '2020-04-23 00:00:00' # the date should be in ISO-8601 format
  - code: title
      en: Dealing with a financial emergency
  - code: subtitle
      en: |
        <p>How to tackle financial stress</p>
  - code: body
      en: |
        <p>For many Americans, financial concerns are their number-one stress point. Here are 6 ways to help reduce your money stress and get motivated to take control of your finances.</p>
  - code: img
        correlationCode: '651'
        name: bank_750xx684385064_d0.jpg
  - code: links
      - code: links
          symbolicDestination: '#!U;http://www.mysite.com/!#'
          destType: 1
          urlDest: 'http://www.mysite.com/'
          pageDest: null
          contentDest: null
          resourceDest: null
          en: mio sito
      - code: links
          symbolicDestination: '#!U;http://www.mysite.com/!#'
          destType: 1
          urlDest: 'http://www.mysite.com/'
          en: mio sito 2
  - code: attaches
      - code: attaches
            correlationCode: '205'
            name: Entando_Admin_Console_Overview_4.3.3_EN.pdf

# Categories

This descriptor contains a list of Categories.

Category descriptor.yaml.

- code: new-category # Identifies the category
  parentCode: home # The parent category, home is the base category
    it: "Una nuova categoria" # Category name in Italian
    en: "New category" # Category name in English

# Groups

This descriptor contains a list of Groups.

Group descriptor.yaml.

- code: my_group # Identifies the group
  name: "My group" # The name of the group

# Labels

This descriptor contains a list of Labels.

Label descriptor.yaml.

- key: MY-FIRST-LABEL # Identifies the label
  titles: # The titles on the label
    it: Mio Titolo # The title in Italian
    en: My Title # The title in English

# Languages

This descriptor contains a list of Languages to enable during the installation process.

Language descriptor.yaml.

- code: en
  description: English
- code: it
  description: Italian

# Static Resources

In order to upload static files, you will need to create a folder called resources. All files inside this folder will be uploaded into Entando using the same folder structure.

├ css/
│ └ styles.css
├ js/
│ └ script.js
├ images/
│ ├ favicon.ico
│ └ logo.png
└ page.html

On the structure mentioned above, the resulting files in the Entando architecture will be:

├ css/
│ └ styles.css
├ js/
│ └ script.js
├ images/
│ ├ favicon.ico
│ └ logo.png
└ page.html


yourbundleid is the code property inside descriptor.yaml

If you need to use one of these static files in a widget or page template, use this FTL tag <@wp.resourceURL />:

<img src="<@wp.resourceURL />yourbundleid/images/logo.png">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<@wp.resourceURL />yourbundleid/css/styles.css">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="<@wp.resourceURL />yourbundleid/images/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"/>
<script type="application/javascript" src="<@wp.resourceURL />yourbundleid/js/script.js"></script>