# Create a React Micro Frontend

# Prerequisites

ent check-env develop

# Create a React App

Create React App (opens new window) allows you to generate a simple app in seconds.

  1. Create a React app:
npx create-react-app my-widget --use-npm

This tutorial updates the following files:

├── README.md
├── public
│   └── index.html
└── src
    ├── App.js
    └── index.js
  1. Start the app:
cd my-widget
npm start

The React app should open in your browser at http://localhost:3000.

# Configure the Custom Element

The steps below wrap the app component with an HTML custom element. The connectedCallback method renders the React app when the custom element is added to the DOM.

  1. In my-widget/src, create a file named WidgetElement.js

  2. Add the following code to WidgetElement.js:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import App from './App';

class WidgetElement extends HTMLElement {
    connectedCallback() {
        this.mountPoint = document.createElement('div');
        const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(this.mountPoint);
        root.render(<App />);

customElements.define('my-widget', WidgetElement);

export default WidgetElement;

Custom Element Names

# Display the Custom Element

  1. Replace the entire contents of src/index.js with these two lines:
import './index.css';
import './WidgetElement';
  1. In public/index.html, replace <div id="root"></div> with this:
    <my-widget />
  1. Observe your browser automatically redisplay the React app


You’re now using a custom element to display a React app.

# Display the Micro Frontend in Entando

# Build the React App

To deploy the custom element into Entando as a micro frontend, you must perform a production build of the React app.

  1. In the my-widget directory, create an .env.production file that consists of one line:


  • /entando-de-app/cmsresources/ is the Resource URL for your Entando Application, which matches nearly all development environments. Consult your Entando admin or use the following fragment to discover the Resource URL.
  <#assign wp=JspTaglibs[ "/aps-core"]>
  <@wp.resourceURL />
  • /my-widget is the public folder that hosts the JavaScript and CSS files for the React app
  1. Build the app:
npm run build

# Upload the React files

To set up the micro frontend to use in Entando:

  1. In your App Builder, go to AdministrationFile browserpublic

  2. Click Create folder and name it "my-widget" to match the .env.production path above

  3. Click Save

  4. Click my-widget

  5. Create a folder structure similar to your generated build directory:

  • my-widget/static/css
  • my-widget/static/js
  • my-widget/static/media
  1. Upload the css, js, and logo files from the corresponding directories under my-widget/build/static, for example:
  • my-widget/build/static/css/main.073c9b0a.css
  • my-widget/build/static/js/main.b9eb8fa4.js
  • my-widget/build/static/media/logo.6ce2458023.svg

Note: The generated ID of each file name (e.g. '073c9b0a') may change after every build. These folders may also contain LICENSE.txt or .map files, but they are not applicable to this tutorial.

# Create the Widget

Add a widget for your MFE.

  1. In your App Builder, go to ComponentsMFE & Widgets

  2. Click Add in the lower right corner

New widget screen

  1. Edit the fields below:
  • Title: "My Widget" → enter this in both the English and Italian language fields
  • Code: "my_widget" → dashes are not allowed
  • Group: "Free Access"
  • Icon: upload or select an icon of your choice
  • In the center panel under Custom UI, enter the following. Make sure to use the actual file names from your build.
<#assign wp=JspTaglibs[ "/aps-core"]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<@wp.resourceURL />my-widget/static/css/main.073c9b0a.css">
<script async src="<@wp.resourceURL />my-widget/static/js/main.b9eb8fa4.js"></script>
<my-widget />
  1. Click Save

# View the Widget

Place the React micro frontend onto a page to see it in action.

  1. In the Entando App Builder, go to PagesManagement

  2. Choose an existing page (or create a new one) and select Design from its Actions

  3. Find your widget in the Widgets sidebar and drag it onto the page

  4. Click Publish

  5. Click on View Published Page


You now have a React micro frontend running in Entando.